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Essential Services: Family Court Procedures Have Changed

family law attorney peoria

The situation for family court is changing continuously as we figure out ways to get things done during the Corona Virus. This is the latest update as of April 6, 2020.
After the Arizona governor issued the stay-at-home order, things at the court changed to include only Essential Services.
Essential Services include:

  1. Applications of Orders of Protection
  2. Contested Hearings of Orders of Protection
  3. Motions for Temporary Emergency Orders
  4. Hearings on Emergency Orders

All court hearings are taking place at the downtown Phoenix courthouse, and no other court facilities will be open.
The following services are suspended:

  1. Child Support Hearings
  2. Title IV Hearings
  3. Mediations
  4. Child Interviews
  5. Early Resolution Conferences
  6. Parenting Conferences

So if you had a previous order to go to one of these, those will be suspended while the governor’s order to stay at home continues.
Listen in for more details, and be sure to message us if you have a specific question.