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Divorce Therapy Part 1: Do You Need It?

Divorce Therapy Part 1

Divorce affects everyone differently. Some people who may not have been even thinking about a divorce a month ago may find that it truly is the best thing for them. They are relieved at the idea, and they go through the divorce without an issue. Others, even those who may have initiated the divorce, may not fare as well. It’s important to remember the availability of divorce therapy for everyone involved.

After all, divorce is a massive change from the life you have been living. These changes are going to affect so many different aspects of your daily routine that it’s understandable that a lot of people are going to have trouble adjusting. Of course, not everyone will admit that they might need to have some added help and therapy.

Unfortunately, going to therapy is still something that a lot of people try to avoid, even though the stigma is shrinking, and it is often one of the best things for you. You should always be open to the idea, as it could help you to better navigate the way you are feeling right now.

In part one of these articles on divorce therapy and counseling, we will be looking into some of the telltale signs that you could benefit from going to therapy. We will also touch on getting kids into therapy, and more. In the second part, we will learn more about how divorce counseling could help you.

How Do You Know You Could Use Therapy?

If you find that the divorce is causing issues with your emotional or mental well-being, it is time to start looking for a therapist who can help. Of course, you might not yet be convinced that therapy is a good option for you.

Take a moment to consider your current headspace. Are you having trouble taking care of the important tasks in your life? Are you focusing more on the divorce or simply withdrawing rather than engaging with your life as you did before? Going to a therapist could be a huge help.

Let’s look at some of the signs that could indicate you should connect with a counselor or therapist.

Do you have changes in your sleeping habits? If you find that you are suddenly spending more time lying awake at night thinking about your divorce and how your life is changing, you might benefit from therapy.

If you find that you are no longer interested in the sorts of things that you once enjoyed, or that you have difficulty focusing, divorce therapy could be in order, as well. Other signs you could benefit from counseling include decreased energy and motivation, changes in appetite or weight, and significant mood changes. This could include feelings of depression, anger, or anxiety.

Do you ever have feelings of self-loathing, or do you worry that you aren’t worthy of love? Perhaps thoughts of self-harm have entered your mind. Talking with a therapist can help to provide you with the clarity you need.

If you have kids and others who depend on you, the best thing you can do when you have feelings like those mentioned above is to talk with a therapist. It can be very difficult to dig yourself out of these types of feelings, and it’s hard even with the help of friends and family. Therapists have the understanding and tools to help you deal with the way you are feeling.

Getting the Kids into Therapy

If you are a parent, you have to keep in mind that you aren’t the only one going through the trauma of a divorce. Your kids are, as well. Therefore, you will want to make sure to get the kids into counseling or therapy. Even if they seem well-adjusted, they could be keeping their fears, anger, etc. internalized. Having them talk with a counselor can help them now and ensure they can adjust to the changes they are facing in their lives.  Here are some common questions kids ask about divorce to prep yourself.

Online and Offline Therapy

Depending on where you live, you might find therapists or counselors locally who can provide you with the help you need. Most cities and even large towns will have help available, but this is not always a given.

Of course, there could be any number of reasons that you don’t want to or can’t see someone in-person for therapy. For some, it might be due to where they live. Some rural locations don’t have easy physical access. For others, there could be the embarrassment of talking to someone about their divorce, or the worry that someone they know might see them at the therapist. Those types of fears still do exist.

Instead of visiting a therapist or counselor in person, it may be possible to instead connect online. There are countless options for video therapy, and technology has made this an easy and viable option. Now, you can find therapists online and get the help and counseling you need in the comfort of your own home.

Regardless of where you end up going for the counseling, make sure that you vet the therapist before you begin. Having an understanding of the types of procedures and techniques they use to ensure it aligns with your needs is always a good idea. You should also check to see if there are any reviews of the therapist just to get a better sense of what it might be like to work with them. A little due diligence will help to ensure you are getting help from the right professional.

Get the Help You Need

As you can see, there are some easy to see signs that you could benefit from a therapist. However, even if those signs aren’t present, it is still something you might want to consider. You will find that the benefits of talking with divorce counselors and therapists are many.

In the second part of this article, we will be looking deeper into how counseling could help you whether you are just starting the divorce or if it has already been finalized.

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