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Billie tarascio

Owner and family law attorney

When I was 19 my parents went through a divorce. I hadn’t seen it coming, especially as the drama of the divorce and the resulting custody battle unfolded. My brothers and I were heartbroken. Our worlds were completely rocked.

At the time, I was all too aware of the role my parents’ attorneys played during this life changing transition for all of us. Their divorce changed the course of my life. That’s when I knew that I wanted to be a family law attorney.

What we do as family law attorneys affects people’s lives, and the lives of their children for decades and I absolutely love it.

Billie Tarascio

Billie tarascio

Owner and family law attorney

When I was 19 my parents went through a divorce. I hadn’t seen it coming, especially as the drama of the divorce and the resulting custody battle unfolded. My brothers and I were heartbroken. Our worlds were completely rocked.

At the time, I was all too aware of the role my parents’ attorneys played during this life changing transition for all of us. Their divorce changed the course of my life. That’s when I knew that I wanted to be a family law attorney.

What we do as family law attorneys affects people’s lives, and the lives of their children for decades and I absolutely love it.

Quick facts about Billie

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Star sign

♏ Scorpio


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Journey To Family Law

After graduating from the University of Oregon Law School in 2005 and recognizing the financial barriers clients faced in accessing legal services, I founded my own firm in 2008 with the goal of reducing legal costs for clients and decreasing accounts receivable for the firm.


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What it's like to work with Billie

Billie graduated the University of Oregon School of Law in 2005. She worked at the Department of Justice, Family Law Division, the non-profit A Family for Every Child and clerked at the Lane County Juvenile Court under Justice Kip Leonard.

She practices exclusively in divorce and family law in Arizona. Billie is a skilled practitioner, national speaker, law firm business consultant and an honored attorney. She is also the author of Decode Your Divorce and a co author of Tiger Tactics, Powerful Strategies for Winning Attorneys.

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Podcast Episodes

Articles about Billie Tarascio


Blended Family Balance: Mastering Stepparenting With The ‘Nacho Kids’ Method

Navigating blended family dynamics is challenging, but Lori and Dave Sims have pioneered a method that has proven effective for many stepparents. Their approach, known as the “Nacho Kids” method, focuses on understanding roles, setting boundaries, improving communication, and supporting one another. Here’s a closer look at the most impactful lessons from their experience.