5 Surprising Financial Benefits of Divorce
Divorce often comes at a high price. No one comes out of it without losing something: income, family home, time with the kids. But it’s not without its upsides, once you’re out of a relationship that just
Divorce often comes at a high price. No one comes out of it without losing something: income, family home, time with the kids. But it’s not without its upsides, once you’re out of a relationship that just
Below is the transcript of the online Q&A presentation by Family Law Attorney Billie Tarascio and Asset Protection Attorney Paul DeLoughery as they discuss ways of protecting your assets in a community property state, both
Picking up the pieces may be easy, but fitting them back together is like working on a tear-soaked puzzle in the dark. Finding a way to organize your life after divorce takes time, patience, and
Arizona law provides for the equitable division of community property upon divorce, no matter what your total net worth. For the average American this entails dividing real property, personal property, vehicles, financial accounts, and maybe
Divorce is expensive. Taxes are expenses. Marry the two and the year of the divorce can lead to financial devastation. BUT, good news, some of your attorneys fees may be tax deductible. Here is an