Community property or separate property?
What It Means and Why it Matters Arizona has one of the highest divorce rates in the nation. It is also a ‘community property law’ state. Arizona residents who wish to end their marriage should
What It Means and Why it Matters Arizona has one of the highest divorce rates in the nation. It is also a ‘community property law’ state. Arizona residents who wish to end their marriage should
A beneficiary deed is a form that will allow for a property to be transferred to a new owner when the current owner dies. When this deed is used, the transfer will happen without
Selling Real Estate in a Divorce If you are getting divorced, one of the most common questions that come up is what is going to happen with the real estate that you own. When you
Legal Separation in AZ Legal separation is an alternative to divorce for some married couples that are contemplating ending their marriage but for specific financial, religious, or emotional reasons simply do not want to actually
Arizona law provides for the equitable division of community property upon divorce, no matter what your total net worth. For the average American this entails dividing real property, personal property, vehicles, financial accounts, and maybe
Community Liens can be a complicated and confusing term and can be a difficult concept in your divorce. Unless you were married at a very young age, you and your spouse probably each came into the
Should I keep the house in Divore? One of the most difficult decisions people face when going through a divorce is whether to keep the house. Parents often want to keep the house to provide stability for
Should I Settle My Divorce? Many paths lead to family court, but only two roads lead out: (1) either the parties reach an agreement; or (2) a judge decides the outcome. Due to the inherently
I’m Divorcing. Should I keep the house? I have been married 2 years and have 2 children with my wife. We purchased a home less than a year ago and each earn similar incomes. Unfortunately
(The following is a Guest Blog courtesy of Desert Storage) Going through a divorce is a hard enough process. You don’t want to have to worry about storing your possessions or keeping them safe. That’s