5 Surprising Financial Benefits of Divorce
Divorce often comes at a high price. No one comes out of it without losing something: income, family home, time with the kids. But it’s not without its upsides, once you’re out of a relationship that just
Divorce often comes at a high price. No one comes out of it without losing something: income, family home, time with the kids. But it’s not without its upsides, once you’re out of a relationship that just
Using Evidence to Your Advantage Part 1 When you are going through a divorce, it’s easy for the stress to start to mount. You have a lot to handle. One of those elements that you
Selling Real Estate in a Divorce If you are getting divorced, one of the most common questions that come up is what is going to happen with the real estate that you own. When you
Medical science has come a long way in the past hundred years. With these changes to science and society come changes to the law. This includes family law, as you will soon see. Many couples
Picking up the pieces may be easy, but fitting them back together is like working on a tear-soaked puzzle in the dark. Finding a way to organize your life after divorce takes time, patience, and
Community Liens can be a complicated and confusing term and can be a difficult concept in your divorce. Unless you were married at a very young age, you and your spouse probably each came into the
Question: My ex has recently moved to California and is now filing to modify child support due to the change in his parenting time days. We spoke about trying to handle the case ourselves
What is a QDRO and what does it have to do with my divorce? A QDRO is a court order that divides retirement accounts. The term is an acronym for Qualified Domestic Relations Order. Arizona
Hmmm- are we surprised? In the event you are one day involved in a lawsuit, be it family related or otherwise, your old Facebook pictures and posts are likely fair game. Likewise, your Linkedin, Instagram,