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Apps that Help Prevent Domestic Violence

Apps that help prevent domestic violence

Domestic violence is a serious problem for millions of people across the country. It’s estimated that well over 10 million people will experience some form of domestic violence this year. Those who are in these situations often have to deal with repeated acts of violence as long as they remain in the relationship. Those who are in these abusive relationships need help, but they often don’t know where to turn. Technology could provide some help, at least in certain cases.

Today, you can find apps for your smartphone that can help those who are experiencing abuse. Below, we will go over several of these apps and give you a better sense of what they do and how you could use them to help in your situation.

One Love

This app comes from One Love Foundation and the One Love Foundation. This app provides a safety assessment, which can make it easier for people to determine whether they are in a relationship that is abusive or that could turn abusive. You see, a lot of people are in denial that there is a problem in their relationship. Answering the questions on the survey can help to rate just how dangerous the relationship is.

The app does more than that, though. You can also use it to create a safety plan that you can follow when there are signs of abuse. This might be going to a shelter or going to a friend or family member who can let the police know what is happening. The app also has a live chat feature, where users can speak to someone from LoveisRespect.org to get more guidance.

Aspire News

This is a fantastic application. A lot of people worry that the person committing violence will look at their phone to see what they are doing. They don’t want their internet history to be discovered, or the apps they are using, especially if they are looking for help. The victims worry that it will upset the abuser and trigger more violence.

The Aspire News app can hide important information, so the abuser can’t find it. The app looks similar to a daily news site. However, in their app’s help section is a list of resources that will help victims of domestic violence. Those who need to be careful while they are accessing resources and planning how to get away may find this app extremely beneficial.

DomesticShelters.org Homescreen App

This app provides insight into abuse and stories from survivors. Remember, not everyone realizes just how bad their situation is or how bad it could get. Having access to the stories and articles on this app can help to enlighten you about the true dangers, so you are more likely to take action and leave.

The app also allows you to access an online directory of domestic violence shelters across the United States and Canada. It’s easy to find locations in your area just by entering your zip code.

One of the biggest benefits of this app, though is, that you can choose the icon that it displays on your phone’s screen. The icons are indistinct, and they don’t look like a DV app at all. You can choose an app that you are sure the abuser wouldn’t think to open. Additionally, there is no browsing history connected to the app. You will not have to worry about anyone seeing what you have been looking at online through the app.


This is an interesting app that could be helpful for those who feel they are in a dangerous situation. You might be with your current partner, or an ex might come to the house. You might not feel safe. There is a button in the app that you hold down and release only when you are safe. Once you let go of the button, you enter your pin to deactivate the app. If you don’t enter the pin, 911 will be called and will receive your location.

You can use the tool to text if you can’t talk. It will also update your location, so if you are in a vehicle or are taken to a vehicle, it can still follow you. This may be worth considering for some victims of domestic violence.

TapeACall Pro

The laws in Arizona state that only one party has to consent to have their phone call recorded. This means that you can record a phone call or a conversation that happens with you and other people, as long as one person—you—consent to the recording. This also means that if you are in situations where you are being abused on the phone or in person, you can record what’s happening.

Threats and violations of protection orders often happen on the phone. Being able to record them is a huge benefit. There is an app called TapeACall that is easy to use and is undetectable to the person on the other end of the line. The app only works for iPhones currently, but you may be able to find similar products that will work with other phones.

These are some of the best apps that you can choose. If you are in a DV situation, or you worry that a loved one is in this situation, keep these apps in mind. Downloading them and taking action can help to keep you safe.

Domestic Abuse Isn’t Just Between Romantic Partners

Domestic violence can be committed by partners who are in relationships, certainly. However, the type of abuse is far more encompassing. It can also occur between parents and children, family members, caregivers, etc.

Those who are in danger or who feel they have a loved one who may be in danger will want to do what they can to remedy the situation. Apps like those above can help. However, if you are in a situation that is currently dangerous and you are afraid for yourself or someone else, contact the authorities.

Resources: https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS