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Divorce information you need

Protect Your Business During A Divorce

This comprehensive breakdown of our March 3, 2022 webinar will walk you through Juliet and Billie’s presentations, detailing their insight and experience in the fields of business and family law as it pertains to small and large business owners.
Protect Your Business During Divorce
By Billie Tarascio
Modern Law Founder

Some of the topics included in the document below include:

This white paper offers detailed information on how to “Protect Your Business During Divorce” from Modern Law Founder, Billie Tarascio. Learn how to navigate a messy divorce involving community property, family businesses, and shared assets. We will also go over prenuptial and postnuptial agreements that can protect you and your endeavors before, during, and after a divorce. Learn how to run an income analysis and conduct valuations with your ex-spouse and children in mind.

  • Prenuptial, Postnuptial and Operating Agreements
  • Community vs. Separate Property
  • What if You and Your Spouse Don’t Run the Business Together?
  • Determining Who Will Keep the Business
  • How to Minimize Risk
  • Income Analysis
  • How Do Valuations and Buyouts Work?
  • Working with an Attorney on Your Plan

Download For Free

We want to provide our website visitors and clients who are interested in divorce services through Modern Law or I Do Over, to have as enough material to feel confident that they can begin planning, managing and completing their divorce. If you have any questions, please (480) 571-0346 or via email at info@mymodernlaw. If you would like to book a consultation or would like more details on our firm, click the Attorneys and Resources tabs in the drop downs above!

Protect Your Business During Divorce

Protect Your Business During A Divorce

By Billie Tarascio
Modern Law Founder