Protect Your Business During A Divorce

By Billie Tarascio
Modern Law Founder
Some of the topics included in the document below include:
This white paper offers detailed information on how to “Protect Your Business During Divorce” from Modern Law Founder, Billie Tarascio. Learn how to navigate a messy divorce involving community property, family businesses, and shared assets. We will also go over prenuptial and postnuptial agreements that can protect you and your endeavors before, during, and after a divorce. Learn how to run an income analysis and conduct valuations with your ex-spouse and children in mind.
- Prenuptial, Postnuptial and Operating Agreements
- Community vs. Separate Property
- What if You and Your Spouse Don’t Run the Business Together?
- Determining Who Will Keep the Business
- How to Minimize Risk
- Income Analysis
- How Do Valuations and Buyouts Work?
- Working with an Attorney on Your Plan
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