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Parent Information Classes

Purpose of Parenting Information Program

In proceedings involving children, both parties are required by the Court to attend a parenting information program. The class is intended to assist parties in understanding how the legal process can negatively affect children. The class also provides parties with valuable tools to help children process the changes happening around them and keep them out of the legal process as much as possible. It is important that you attend this class within 45 days from the date of service upon the opposing party and that you follow the advice given.

Where do I access More Information?

A notice explaining this requirement and information regarding the classes offered is included in the initial Petition paperwork that is filed by your legal team. A copy will be provided to you. Once you have read the notice carefully, you should register for a class. Most classes have a $50 fee due at the time that you sign up. You will need your case number when registering.

The program will automatically file your certificate with the Court after completion, but it is always good practice to save and send us a copy just in case.  The class will allow you to email a copy directly from the class screen once the course is completed.

What happens if I don’t attend?

The Court will not enter a decree without proof that all required persons have attended the class. If a party (or other person ordered to attend) refuses to do so, the Court may decline to enter orders in favor of that party. If you have any questions regarding these classes, please feel free to contact your legal team for instructions.

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