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Vanessa Castillo

Legal Assistant

Vanessa Castillo is an Arizona native who grew up in Nogales, AZ. She was raised with Spanish as her first language and learned English when she began school.

Vanessa has achieved many accomplishments during her life, but the thing she is most proud of is her three daughters aged 15, 14 and 10. Although parenting can be chaotic at times, Vanessa loves it and also finds joy in attending concerts and spending time with her friends and family.

Vanessa found a special passion for family law and spends much of her time helping out her coworkers to provide their clients a better experience during difficult times. On top of that, Vanessa graduated from ASU in May 2022 with a BA in Forensic Psychology – something she decided to pursue after a tragedy 6 years ago when she lost both her parents five days apart from each other. This moment gave her newfound motivation to do more with her life. Vanessa is known amongst those close to her for being an attentive listener, which serves her well in her profession. Her primary goal is to help families going through tough times by providing them comfort and guidance throughout the legal process.

Vanessa Castillo

See Modern Law’s “Decode Your Divorce” Handbook
Blue Seal 293-61-BBB