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Sarah Saxon


Sarah Saxon is a passionate wife, mother and student who strives to help others in difficult legal situations. Born in Citrus Heights, Sarah moved to Arizona in 2009 to finish her high school studies. She joined the Modern Law team as a client advocate in January 2023.

Her interest in family law was sparked when she and her husband couldn’t afford an attorney to represent them in the custody case for her step-daughter. They had to learn to navigate the process entirely on their own and spent countless hours doing research so they could understand it better. This inspired Sarah to pursue an Associate’s Degree in Paralegal Studies with the hopes of becoming a Family Law Attorney. Sarah has valuable first hand experience navigating the Arizona family court system, which allows her to be an even better support resource to our clients.

In 2018, Sarah took a leave of absence from her studies due to her husband being involved in an almost fatal motorcycle accident. During this time more legal issues arose over the custody of her bonus daughter and after returning to school, Sarah changed her major to a Bachelor’s of Science in Behavioral Health with a focus in family dynamics, aiming to later receive her Master’s degree as a Marriage & Family Therapist.
When not studying or attending classes, Sarah enjoys spending quality time with her three daughters (ages 3, 7, 10) camping together, exploring new places or simply having movie nights piled up on the couch. As an individual, Sarah loves to cook and recently got back into reading. Gifted with exceptional time management skills, Sarah believes that her superpower lies within her ability to provide enough attention to each task she undertakes. She also expresses herself as an over-planner which works greatly in her favor professionally.

A life-changing event occurred when Sarah lost her mother at such a young age; when only fourteen years old, she experienced tremendous personal growth following the tragedy of losing someone who had just returned into her life after such a short period of time. Currently enrolled at Grand Canyon University for her Bachelor’s Degree, Sarah expects to graduate by November 2024!

Sarah Saxon

See Modern Law’s “Decode Your Divorce” Handbook
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