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Category: Client Resources

social media during litigation
Social Media Usage During Litigation

Social Media as Evidence Many of our clients use social media sites such as TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram while going through their divorce or family court case. Information shared on social media is not

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Mediation process
What to Expect During Mediation

Some people think they have to choose between mediation and having an attorney. But you don’t! Most of the time, here at Modern law we suggest and attend mediation with our clients. Mediation is simply

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Purpose of Disclosure The primary purpose is to discover facts, evidence, and witnesses before a final Order can be entered with the Court by ensuring that each party is aware of what property, debts and

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Temporary Orders

Temporary Orders are court orders issued to address immediate issues and provide temporary solutions while a divorce or custody case is pending. These orders are used to manage various aspects of a family’s situation before

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Parent Information Classes

Purpose of Parenting Information Program In proceedings involving children, both parties are required by the Court to attend a parenting information program. The class is intended to assist parties in understanding how the legal process can

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Preliminary Injunction

Understanding the preliminary injunction In every case, a Preliminary Injunction is issued against both parties. It is a court order that is used to prevent either party from taking certain actions until a final decision

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