Does Health Play A Factor In Alimony
Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a part of many divorce and separation cases. There are various instances where one spouse may be required to pay support to the other, or perhaps where they
Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a part of many divorce and separation cases. There are various instances where one spouse may be required to pay support to the other, or perhaps where they
The opposing party started making wild accusations. She said I had been abusive. She said I was unsafe with our children. She said I took money. My ex-wife was literally re-writing our history and lying
Case Dismissal Q&A I am not sure if I want to continue with my divorce. Can I dismiss my divorce? Yes. Rule 46 of the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure discusses the dismissal procedures
What’s the difference between custody and legal decision making? I want to file a modification of custody for my child. My ex is crazy and can’t raise my child right. What can I do? Great Question!
Q. My ex has received an overpayment of child support. How do I get it back? My child support modification has been awarded. The amount went down by $211 a month. The judge back-dated the
What It Means and Why it Matters Arizona has one of the highest divorce rates in the nation. It is also a ‘community property law’ state. Arizona residents who wish to end their marriage should
As divorce attorneys, we have witnessed divorce play out thousands of times. Over the years, certain trends have popped up, and these are the 7 things our clients say they wish they’d known before starting
Question: I’m facing divorce and my ex wants everything I’m receiving disability income. Can that be touched or is it protected? I need it to pay for my related medical expenses. Can my disability income
Here is a quick FYI if you’ve been owed alimony (known as spousal support) and haven’t been paid. In Arizona, there is a three year statute of limitations for collecting alimony. The statute ARS 25-553 states